Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The joy of improving your quality of riding.

5-24-2015  Apex Racing Center

The road to progression begins with none other than that of simply doing. Implying that the act of doing is in a sense part of the act of progress. Racing minis myself and remembering all the tips and tricks that were taught to me from the beginning  that I have passed on to those that are willing to lend an ear.

Most of the time you think/believe you can't do things first. Go fast on a small bike you say? I can't do that! Well the first step is getting on one, going out to a mini race or participating on an endurance race that can be so intoxicating that it gets mixed in your blood like oil and gas in a 2 stroke engine.  Weapon of choice for most is a Kawasaki KX65, although there are variables for this including the 50cc class as well as the Suzuki RM 65. Either option you choose is a winning option as it gets you one step closer to progressing in something you may not even knew existed!

I remember the timid look in his eye, the fear of being around fast riders ,the ""How am I going to compete with them"" attitude , that has now since diminished into nothing more than a weird thought. The act of starting and finishing can be something that is a far reach at times for those that do not have the equipment, BUT the act of starting is in itself finishing. If you start a race (whether you finish or not) you in a sense already finished. Your fear or starting to race is now gone and conquered. You goal has now changed and there is a sight that no longer has anything to do with starting. It is now about pondering when the next race is and winning. Chasing after each other around a track for a couple minutes to 24 hours is something that brings smiles and laughs to those that are racing for their first time or be it their 300th time!!

I have been following the racing career of Serg the co-owner of  for a while now. I remember his laps times around the track the first races and they were as expected nothing to brag about. Comparing that to where he is now and there is a significant difference in the amount of seconds lost as well as his personal drive to succeed. The thrill of competing and being a part of the is something than can see always brings a smile to his face. Something that beams bright out of an area of riding he never knew could be this much fun.      <<----Video from the races

If you would like to know more about minimoto racing in Southern California feel free to contact me, comment below.

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